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Here's how easy and safe it is to get services on ServiceMela: Step-by-step Buying Guide

Help Centre

How to Place order for a service?

To place an order on ServiceMela, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Once you are logged in to ServiceMela, you can use the search bar to search for the services.
  2. After choosing the service, select anyone option from the Place options to choose location for the service.
  3. Click on the service to view the service details. You can contact the seller using Contact button.
  4. On the right side of the page, you can change the address if seller cant travel to your location.
  5. Click on Add new address to select your new location. Click on Confirm and proceed to enter your full address and click on Add Address.
  6. Or else, you can select the location which is already displayed.
  7. You can click on the checkbox to apply for Extras.
  8. Click on Order to place the order.
  9. Select the mode of payment in the popup menu. Once payment is completed, your order is placed.